Friday, October 28th
08:30 Doors open
10:00 Opening word
10:15 The Code Manifesto: Empowering our community Keynote Graham Daniels
11:15 Division break
11:45 Making React part of something greater Darko Kukovec Self-testable API docs - Docs shouldn't lie! Community Zoran Antolovic
12:15 Event Sourcing: the good, the bad and the complicated Marco Pivetta Client Experience Design Marko Dugonjic
13:05 Security in the age of frameworks Luka Kladaric Helpful interactions in the socially awkward community Dinko Mihovilović
13:35 Lunch
15:05 When a bigger boat is not an option - scaling beyond biggest MySQL box Mario Kostelac What goes wrong with JavaScript and what can we do about it Vedran Bilopavlović
15:35 Elm or how I learned to love front-end development Marco Perone Things I was unprepared for as a lead developer Pascal de Vink
16:25 Break
16:55 Distributed Domain Destruction - Adventures in building distributed systems Srdjan Vranac
17:25 How to build a website that will (eventually) work on Mars? Slobodan Stojanović Code review beyond code style Hannes Van De Vreken
17:55 Division break
18:25 Ligtning talks


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